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Trial User/New Member Information
Welcome to Honda-Tech.

Confirmation e-mail: If you have not seen your confirmation email yet, please retrieve it and view it, because you will not be able to post until your email address is verified. Remember to check for this mail in your junk or Spam folders if you have filtering set high.

Posting: You will be able to post immediately after retrieving your confirmation email. You will be able to post in all the tech forums; however, YOU WILL BE RESTRICTED TO THE TECHNICAL FORUMS during your trial period. Your trial period will require you to be a member for more than 5 days, and make MORE than 2 posts in the technical and/or marque forums (NOT IN THE CLASSIFIEDS OR THE COMMUNITY FORUMS). We do not want people to join just to post in the political, general discussion or sales (classifieds) forums. The technical help is in the technical forums. Please allow our software to change your status from Trial user to Registered user. This is not an instant process, our software is on a schedule, so sometimes it may take an hour or two to change you over, once you have met the time and posting requirements

Don’t spam: Do not join the forums specifically to the purpose of promoting products that are not associated with the mission of the not Spam!

Forum rules: Please be careful of the individual forum rules and regulations, and please lurk for a short period before posting. You might run afoul of local forum rules and regulations that you have not considered, and this will produce results other than the ones you intended.

Supported language: Please note that English and the Roman alphabet are required to use Honda-Tech. You will find Spanish language threads in places for social reasons where a moderator is watching the thread, but for the most part we are going to have to require the English language. Chinese, Japanese, Russian, Greek and other languages that do not use the Roman alphabet will not be approved for publication because we do not have a moderator base who will be able to regulate these languages.

We hope you enjoy your time here! It'll be a blast when you get the hang of it. :-)

Using Search

How to use search

Using the following options are recommended to get the most accurate results from search

  • Advanced search - Use the Advanced Search page to gain more options on searching.
  • Select correct forum - If you know what forum the thread or post is, select to search only that forum/s (multiple forums can be selected by holding down "CTRL" when selecting).
  • Thread titles - If you know the title of the thread, select to only search thread titles.
  • Use quotation marks - If you feel that the words you are searching for may commonly be together, place quotation marks around them (i.e "fuel injector"
  • Use the users name - If you know who made the post/thread that you are searching for originally add their username to the "User Name" area
  • Limit the date range - If you have an idea of when the thread that you may be searching for was posted, limit the date range using the option available.
  • MOST IMPORTANTLY - return your results by relevancy

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