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Xian 07-31-2005 09:20 AM

Re: (TPB)
<TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD>Quote, originally posted by TPB &raquo;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="quote">While I can appreciate that there is a sizeable investment required to purchase a Hans device, isn't it worth it in the end?</TD></TR></TABLE>
Yes. Exactly my point. I want to purchase a H&N system once... I don't want to buy a Hutchins/Isaac/R3 and then have SCCA mandate only the HANS two years from now. That's why I'm leaning towards the HANS even though I think the Isaac is probably a better system for a number of reasons (side impact protection, less $$ for multi-driver cars, better range of motion, etc).


BETO736 07-31-2005 02:52 PM

Re: (Xian)
Get any H&N system, but get one.
If you don't like the HANS, Isaac is good too, but like you said it might not be certified down the road and some clubs, if not all, will demand the HANS only.
I think any price for your neck is a good price. Don't we buy insurance for our cars in case of accident? Then we need to buy insurance for ourselves as well.

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