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KnowForever 10-22-2004 05:36 PM

Got rear ended!
This happened a little over a week ago. I had just gotten out of court, paying the ticket from wrecking my Evo, heading towards the local Sheetz to get some good ole Dr. Pepper. I was sitting at a red light on a slight decline minding my own business when the minivan of death approaches. The truck next to her had a little dog barking it's confused little head off hanging out the drivers side window ( me and the minivan we're in the left lane). The driver of the minivan apparently thought looking at this dog was more important than paying attention to what her 3000 lb hunk of shitty metal was doing. Instincivly she takes her foot OFF the brakes with the car in drive... on a downward slope with an expensive looking BRIGHT ASS YELLOW car infront of her

So she's looking over at the dog when she realizes her car is moving forward. Oh my god! who didn't see that coming? Anyways, with her masterful driving instinct she proceeds to freak out and in an attempt to slam her brakes, mashes the gas pedal instead. BAM!
I lung forward and try and realize what the hell just happened. I was in a state of shock, how in the hell could this happen? I hadn't had the R a month, far too short an affair for such a lovely car. That's when the rage started to rise in me with the strenght of Diablo, Sauron and Hellraisor all at once! (okay, i'm trying to make this sound cool damnit!) All i could picture was the back of my R all smashed up and i could'nt help but want to kill this bitch. I got out of the car and checked out the damage, if you can call it that. From the feel of the impact i expected the trunk to be smashed up with the bumper hanging off and the tailights smashed... all my poor R received was scuff mark in the shape of a license plate and 3 places where the paint was torn from the bumper.

Whew! I calmed down quite a bit after realizing my baby was ok. Did'nt even call the cops on the lady, she was quite nice and admitted it was her fault. Gave me her insurance information and even called them to let them know it was her fault. So doing what any self respecting R owner would do i took it to the body shop nearby that paints the majority of porshes, mercedes and other exotic/expensive cars in the area. (read: expensive as hell) to get a quote. Total bill came out to be $371.80 to repair and repaint my bumper. Insurance check is in the mail and i think i'm just gonna go buy a can of touch up paint from the dealership ( do they even make that for pheonix yellow?) and buy a mod or two Don't worry, i'll get the bumper resprayed later when i do the JDM front end.

No pictures at the moment, i'll try and get some of the damage and the R all at once sometime soon!

The Kernel 10-22-2004 06:38 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (KnowForever)
<TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD>Quote, originally posted by KnowForever &raquo;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="quote"> on a downward slope with an expensive looking BRIGHT ASS YELLOW car infront of her

Maybe this is why people have those BRIGHT ASS NEON lights are their cars??

ericlee303 10-22-2004 09:38 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (NBP #0933)
so stereotypical of the female minivan driver...stereotypes are stereotypes cuz they're true.

penpen 10-22-2004 09:41 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (ericlee303)
<TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD>Quote, originally posted by ericlee303 &raquo;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="quote">so stereotypical of the female minivan driver...stereotypes are stereotypes cuz they're true.</TD></TR></TABLE> it's true. girls can't drive.

glad j00r R is 0k4y

Slow_Em1 10-22-2004 10:34 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (penpen) glad as well. i just drive a 99 Si and if someone even did that to me...i would be very mad. just because its my baby. i know how you feel man just a week ago my axle snapped on me, and at the same time 4 mounts took a shit..
i was in the middle of the road helpless in traffic and some asshole comes up beside me and swipes my mirror.


grrr i was mad...ended up just being a tiny scratch i could bearly see so i was ok with it.. but thats totally besides the point. someone, that wasn't allowed to i might add...touched/molested our cars without us wanting them too.

i share your grief.


Bbasso 10-22-2004 10:37 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (KnowForever)
I know how you feel
&lt;-- way rear-ended a while back but had 2k in damages.

KnowForever 10-23-2004 06:06 PM

Re: Got rear ended! (Bbasso)
i knew you guys would understand,,, if it was just a civic,, no one would care..but it's an ITR!!

machgo5go 10-23-2004 08:36 PM

Don't be cheap and fix your R properly.
Always have an accident report, never can trust anyone.

mikestypeRR 10-23-2004 09:52 PM

Re: (machgo5go)
<TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD>Quote, originally posted by machgo5go &raquo;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="quote">Don't be cheap and fix your R properly.

sorry but to pay 300 + dollars for a small scratch that i am sure you cant see is rediculous .. hes not being cheap... just smart....

your car my car no ones car will ever be perfect ... i am sorry but i would rather keep the 300 bucks than use is to re-paint an entire bumper for a small little scratch...

or he can have it fixed and never take the car out of the garage agian in fear it might get scratched.

KnowForever 10-24-2004 09:11 AM

Re: (machgo5go)
<TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING=0 CELLPADDING=0 ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD>Quote, originally posted by KnowForever &raquo;</TD></TR><TR><TD CLASS="quote">Don't worry, i'll get the bumper resprayed later when i do the JDM front end.</TD></TR></TABLE>

i don't really see the need to get it painted now when i'm doing paint next summer anyways...

ericlee303 10-24-2004 09:17 AM

Re: Got rear ended! (penpen)
Only girls in ITRs can drive, that's my final answer!

I dunno, it just seems as tho those soccer moms more than others seem to be the most careless. I've almost been crushed a few times this summer by them.

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